Sunday, May 23, 2010

Gonna Paint A Sign...So You'll Always Know

My sister gets the cool award in the department of MOM. When her kids were little she let them choose the new color for the shutters on their stately home. The boys argued and couldn't agree on the color. Wise as the ancient Solomon, sis bought the paint and the grumbly painter grimly followed her directions and grumbled and grunted, sputtered and spat. For the next decade the neighbors to the south enjoyed the red shutters - while the neighbors to the north had their own view: blue shutters. Every kid need needs a mom like my sister.


Tabor said...

Your sister is wise and also loving. What a cool house.

Ralph said...

Reminds me of the house we left in Arlington. We had green shutters and gutters in the front and brown in the back. Wasn't because of a disagreemet, though--we totally forgot to do the back. And nobody ever noticed!

Dolores said...

Would love to see a picture of this cool house.....
Your sister sounds like a very understanding lady.

Helen said...

NOTHING more inviting than a rocker on a porch!!!

Lonely Rivers said...

This is a test as comments seem to be dropping off - Has anyone had this experience? What to do

Ralph said...

LR, you mean the experience of comments dropping off???