Tuesday, December 23, 2008

When I'm Worried and I Can't Sleep......

There had been talk about not decorating this year. No one will be visiting, no Christmas Tree. No one will be here, why bother? The girl raised her eyebrows. "But you will be here!" she said. "Who is the only person who has been present at every single Christmas of your life? Don't you deserve a Christmas Tree?" She smiles at the memory of the conversation and the strength of that girl, her beautiful, strong, smart daughter. Snowed in, alone, she wanders from room to room, taking quiet pleasure in the lights, the ornaments,the tree.


One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Oh my, you touch my heart with your entries. They are me.
I remember the years of the big tree and every room decorated. The food cooked for a week. A joyous but tiring week before and after. Now several children and my precious 3 and 6 year old come for one meal. Only for them did I do anything. I did put out a few things. The tree went outside on screen porch and when you looked through the window it was full of lights.
Looked great looking out the window and sure was a lot less trouble. If you were near I would have a cup of tea and a slice of cake with you. Blessings to you this day.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Wherever you are at this moment I wish for a peaceful spirit to descend upon your heart, mind and soul. Raining in my area and my holiday alone is not like the past.
But it is peaceful and I kind of like it. I have so many wonderful memories.

Finding Pam said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting. Nice to meet you. Have a great day and Happy New Year.

I like your blog too. Is it all written in third person?