Saturday, December 4, 2010

Like Breadcrumbs in a Fairy Tale Forest

A few words of kindness and comfort stopped me in my tracks today. Gentle comforting words from another brought tears to my eyes. Running from place to place, checking things off the list, getting things done I thought I was doing fine. I WAS doing fine. I just hadn't realized that my heart was yearning for connection, recognition, validation. Kind eyes and gentle words, from out of the blue, released tears I didn't know were welling - and lifted my spirits that I hadn't realized were sagging. Today is my day to pay it forward.


Sarah Lulu said...

Sending you a good Aussie hug too.

Helen said...

From you to Sarah Lulu to me and into infinity!!!

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

I understand - a smile and a hug sent your way.

Dolores said...

Thinking of you with thoughts and prayers....

Marion Williams-Bennett said...

What a special reminder on the importance of giving and receiving kindness. Wishing you peace.

Mage said...

Hugs from the sun too. Sometimes we just need to stop and check the clouds in the sky. Other times we need to be our own validation. You are just fine.